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About Pyrite Pyrite is one of the few shiny, metallic gemstones available today. It is often referred to as Fool's Gold in the trade. A rare variety of pyrite found only in Russia is Rainbow Pyrite, which is a fairly recent find that is traded in drusy form. Pyrite is named for the Greek word for fire, since it's known to produce sparks when struck with steel. Best Gold Price One other simple trick to get the best gold price is to pay by check or bank wire. Dealers will typically charge a slightly higher premium for credit card purchases to make up the credit card processing fees. These credit card fees can add up to several percent and can be quite substantial on larger purchases. Historical Gold Charts and Data - London Fix Historical GOLD. Yearly average data and charts (1833 - present). Yearly, monthly charts and data (1975 - present). Daily 24-hour and New York charts starting from May 20, 1999

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